Faith Integration

My Christian faith is a big part of my life. That being said, I am comfortable counseling both Christians and non-Christians. More than anything, I just truly love the process of counseling and feel privileged to come alongside anyone in their journey of life. However, I do think that faith is a big part of anyone’s life, and therefore I do periodically ask questions about a person’s faith and spiritual journey. I approach counseling from a holistic perspective, where I look at all parts of a person: emotional, physical, spiritual, social, and mental. In my life and experience, I have found that we are the most fulfilled and at peace when we find health in all 5 of these aspects of health.

I also love God and see Him at work, not just in the happy, good times of my life, but also in the darkest of times. More than anything, I want to encourage people on their journey and instill hope back into their lives and hearts. If you are open to it, I would be happy to pray with you and also to provide relevant scripture and Christian resources. That being said, I do not believe in using the Bible to shame people. We are all broken people in need of a Savior, and I believe the Lord meets us in our brokenness and pain. He loves us right where we are, and by His grace, that is what I aim to always do.

I want to always provide you with a safe non-judgmental place, to question, to cry, to yell, or whatever you need to do. I aim to love you unconditionally (in Christ) and may that love be a source of healing in your life. We are all broken, and we all need His love and healing.